Apply now for the 12-Week powHER UP Leadership Accelerator! Limited Spaces! We kick off October 29th 2024!

Stress less, lead better.

Join powHER UP, the 12 week proven program for ambitious women leaders who want to thrive at work, without burning out.

Master stress management, regain your work/life harmony, and feel energized again in just 1 hour a week.

Ready to nail work without sacrificing YOU?

Sign up!




Let's get real for a sec.


You're crushing it in your leadership role, but some days it feels like you're one Slack message away from a total meltdown. I've been there - I get it.

  • You're juggling a million tasks, all because you're just trying to hit those KPIs
  • You have constant stress and anxiety in your chest from morning to night 
  • You're wondering if this constant stress is just "part of the job"? (it's not)
  • You tried taking time off, but you couldn't switch off
  • You tried all the meditation apps and went to yoga. Nothing is working.


Nope, it's A LOT deeper than that.

And I'm about to share with you how to get on top of your stress forever (really!) so you can lead yourself, lead others and just live a more fulfilling, calm and peaceful life.

Sound good?


BRAND NEW: A 12-week transformation to becoming the unstoppable leader you were born to be - without sacrificing your sanity or your soul.

This is the first ever time I've launched this program.

Because of that, you'll be a founding member, i'll be delivering this live and you'll have the ability to help me shape the final product!

You'll be helping me create something that's going to change your's and hundreds of other women's lives.

In this program, you'll get access to the step by step process I used to:

✔ Reduce the chronic stress and anxiety that was causing my hair loss, acne & brain fog

✔ Wake up without feeling like I needed to go back to bed

✔ Say no to people without feeling guilty

✔ Feel excited about work & leading my team again

âś” Hit my work goals, without sacrificing my health ( or my teams )

✔ Stopped reacting to every "urgent" request from my boss

âś” Took holidays without logging in to work apps

âś” Rebuild my relationship with my husband

Here's the deal:

Over 12 weeks, you'll go from:

→ Feeling like you're one email away from a breakdown

→ Thinking anxiety and stress are just "part of the job"

→ Taking no time off because you "just can't"

→ Feeling isolated, with no real support

→ Staying up until 2 AM putting out fires

→ Constantly running on fumes

→ Not able to say no when you're actually really overwhelmed ( because you're worried what your boss will think )

→ Finishing the work day feeling exhausted and deflated 


→ Being less stressed and feeling in control of your emotions

→ Feeling supported and part of a community

→ Better at delegating and prioritizing

→ Focused and productive

→ Doing things you love in your free time 

→ Sleeping through the night, waking up energized and actually doing your morning routine!

→ Taking vacations WITHOUT checking emails (it's possible!)

→ Enjoying work again and feeling excited to work with your team

→ Hitting your massive work goals because you're showing up as your best self

Sign up now!

I'll take you through the same process I used to recover from chronic stress and become a high-performing leader ( even when my work environment was chaos )


 Regulate your nervous system

What to Expect:

  • Learn and practice somatic techniques for nervous system regulation
  • Develop a strong mind-body connection for long-term emotional resilience
  • Create personalized rituals for grounding and centering
  • Understand the science behind stress responses and how to manage them

Outcome: You'll be able to regulate your nervous system on demand, staying calm and focused even in high-pressure situations. This foundation will enhance your decision-making and leadership overall.



Build your stress resilience 

What to Expect:

  • Identify your personal and professional boundaries
  • Learn assertive communication techniques for boundary setting
  • Develop strategies for managing your energy throughout the day
  • Create a personalized self-care plan that fits your busy schedule
  • Practice saying 'no' effectively without damaging relationships

Outcome: You'll have clear, well-communicated boundaries and a sustainable approach to managing your energy. This will lead to improved focus, reduced burnout risk, and more effective leadership.


Supercharge your performance, lead better.

What to Expect:

  • Learn decision-making frameworks for high-pressure environments
  • Develop crisis management and rapid problem-solving skills
  • Master techniques for influential and clear communication

Outcome: You'll be equipped with practical tools to lead confidently & w/out stress in fast-paced, high-stakes environments. 

By the end of these 12 weeks, you'll have a comprehensive toolkit and your own rituals to manage stress and lead effectively in fast-paced environments. You'll be performing your best feeling energized and focused, without the stress or burnout.


How it works:

⇨ WEEKLY LIVE COACHING CALLS: Live training & coaching sessions where i'll cover the topics that will quickly help you stress less & lead better.

⇨ RESOURCE LIBRARY: Full library of training, and resources that you can access on the go and from your phone. 

⇨ COMMUNITY: We have an exclusive community group for this program where you can share your wins and support the other women in the group.

⇨ ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS: I'll partner you with another member in the community for weekly check-ins, goal-setting, and mutual support. Nothing keeps you on track like a powHER partner who gets it.

⇨ STRESS- PROOF TOOLS: Guided practices that'll have you managing stress and protecting your energy in minutes.



What makes powHER UP different?

As a woman, with ten million trillion things to do at once, if someone tells you to "stop stressing" it doesn't go down well right?

Of course you know you need to stress less, of course you know it's impacting your work and impact as a leader, you're not un-aware.

But HOW tf do you do that without taking time off - you already have no time to do that!

You've also tried all the things, meditation, mindfulness, nothing really makes a difference right?

Of course it doesn't. Your nervous system is in nooo state to calm tf down.

Especially not for a meditation!

That's where powHER UP is different.

I don't just give you tools.

Or frameworks.

I meet you where you're at.

I teach you how to work with your nervous system states and how to leverage them for better leadership.

In the program, I use somatic work ( a bottom up, mind-body approach ) vs just mindset work, so you experience lasting change vs just digging into beliefs and habits. 

I'll also share with you the leadership skills that helped me hit 6 figures, retain my team and get buy-in from my big bosses. 

Because when you learn how to stress''ll realize that the way you've been leading, doesn't match how you actually want to lead moving forward.

And I am there to help you level tf up in all areas of your leadership.

In a nutshell, I'll help you develop the mental & emotional strength you need to perform under pressure, lead like an absolute boss and live a life you freaking love. 

powHER UP includes:

  • Somatic Practices: I go beyond talking about stress management; I'll help you embody it. My practices build mind-body resilience, help you create grounding rituals, and teach you to shift your energy instantly.

  • High-Performance Leadership Skills: You'll learn to make quick, strategic decisions in high-pressure situations. My program shows you how to lead confidently through chaos and communicate epically under stress. 

  • Real-World Application: I don't deal in theory. Everything you learn applies directly to your daily challenges, you can literally put it to use, like today.

  • Powerful Community: You'll connect with like-minded women who understand your challenges. This network of peers becomes a valuable resource that extends beyond the program.




Sign me up!

"Emily's program was transformative. She helped me reframe my entire approach to managing stress, identify my strengths, and develop new skills to support me in my role. I used to be a stressed and anxious leader and now I feel more confident and in control of my emotions"  

Katie - Executive Director, JP Morgan


âś“ Managing stress effortlessly, turning it into a performance advantage

âś“ Leading with unshakeable confidence in any high-pressure situation

âś“ Embracing your strengths, free from self-doubt and imposter syndrome

âś“ Setting and maintaining clear boundaries to protect your energy and focus

âś“ Achieving a harmonious work-life integration that supports your success

âś“ Performing at your peak without sacrificing your wellbeing







“Emily's uncanny ability to ask the right questions changes your perspective on matters AND immediately lets you identify and understand your thoughts and feelings. Her group coaching and 1:1 process is very effective with the right amount of challenge, especially with somatics tied in.”

Ines - Chief Security Officer, Emerging Tech

This program is for you if...

âś“ Are a high-achieving, high-performing woman in a leadership role

âś“ Feel like you're constantly one step away from burnout

âś“ Want to level up your leadership without sacrificing your wellbeing

✓ Are ready to lead from a place of calm confidence (instead of constant anxiety) 

This program is not for you if...

âś“ Believe stress and burnout are unavoidable parts of leadership

âś“ Are seeking quick fixes rather than sustainable practices

✓ You don't see the value of investing in yourself

âś“ Are not open to exploring mindfulness and somatic practices

Maryna nailed her team 1:1's

Emily does an excellent job in coaching our group to be more stress-resilient and better leaders overall. The feedback is always extensive and deep, and her answer to questions is always on point and without any judgment. Emily helped me a lot in solving specific work situations like communication & difficult 1:1 feedback that was making me feel anxious.



Alex dramatically reduced her stress & started delegating

The diverse perspectives in our group coaching sessions really helped my leadership skills. Emily's feedback is always on-point and relevant to real situations. I also love that she shares her own experiences of leading teams too plus the super grounding somatic practises.



Carli built trust & started getting buy-in from her founders

Emily provides a safe space to speak freely, reinforces constructive behaviors and introduces new ways of thinking. I've been able to put this into practice quickly and now I feel I'm effectively managing large workloads without feeling stressed and people actually seem to trust and listen to me now ( before, I was getting blocked A LOT & it was super frustrating) 


⇢ READY TO Say "F*ck OFF" to stress? ⇠


powHER UP Group


(pay in full)

  • 12 LIVE weekly training sessions  (value €3200)
  • Lifetime access to a library of resources & tools ( value €500 )
  • Community of leaders just like you ( value €priceless!)
  • Guest speakers & exclusive bonuses ( value €350)
  • Free access to the entire STRESS-PROOF BOOTCAMP ( value €250 )
One time payment of €797

powHER UP Fast Track


(pay in full w/ 1:1 coaching)

  • 6 x 1 hour 1:1 coaching with Emily ( value €4100 )
  • 12 LIVE weekly training sessions  ( value €3200 )
  • Lifetime access to a library of resources & tools ( value €500 )
  • Community of leaders just like you ( value €priceless!)
  • Guest speakers & exclusive bonuses ( value €350)
  • Free access to the entire STRESS-PROOF BOOTCAMP ( value €250 )
One time payment of €2797


powHER UP Group

(3 months payment plan)

3 payments of €292

powHER UP Fast Track

(3 months payment plan w/ 1:1 Coaching)

3 Payments of €1098

Not sure which package is right for you or need to discuss payment plans? Book in a call to discuss with Emily.

Schedule a call



If you have attended all the live calls and spent at least 1 hr a week on the program, and you truly don't think it's for you then you'll get a full refund.

Transform Stress into Success.

⇢ Activate Your powHER ⇠


Save your spot!





If we haven't met before, I’m an AC-accredited leadership coach and mentor, (and dog Mom of 2) but I like to think of myself as a "Leadership Doula" because I guide women just like you, through their transition into leadership & beyond!

I'm also a trauma-informed, intuitive somatic practitioner and that's at the core of everything we do here.

HOWEVER, before all this, I spent a huge chunk of my career as a STRESSED out, constantly doubting herself marketing leader in the fast-paced emerging tech and web 3 industries.

During my time heading up teams in crypto exchanges, I burned out twice and it wasn't until I took absolute responsibility for the way I was behaving and thinking that things started to drastically change for me.

And here's the secret: There's always hidden behaviors and triggers... but the way we deal with them, changes everything.

Each week, I help new or advancing leaders like you, take responsibility for their actions & emotions, so they feel energized and productive, get their bonuses (& vacations) locked in & become an indispensable part of the company, without the stress & overwhelm.



When they come to me, they're often waking up anxious, feeling burned out and honestly, exhausted.

They feel like they're failing fast, leading to low confidence in themselves, imposter syndrome, chronic stress, and sometimes, job or business loss.

*in one case a client came to me because her stressed approach to work was pissing so many people off, and she was terrified she would get fired but had no idea how or what to change.

With my help, these clients succeed in their first and future years of their director or head roles, without stress and burnout derailing them. Some even fast track to C-suite through our programs.

Most importantly, they learn how to manage their stress so they can thrive in all areas of their life.

In powHER UP I'm going to show you exactly how to do that, yourself.

I'm so excited for you to discover how powHERful you can be! ✨ 

You've spent years developing your skills, proving your worth, and building your reputation.

Don't let overwhelm, self-doubt, and stress derail you now. 

The powHer UP Accelerator is your invitation to finally step into your full potential as a leader.

It's your chance to:

  1. Stress Less: Learn to manage pressure like a boss (because you are one).
  2. Lead Better: Develop high-performance leadership skills that'll have everyone asking, "What's her secret?"
  3. Prevent Burnout: Because you can't run the world if you're running on empty.
  4. Build a rock-solid support system of women who get it.

Don't let another day of stress & overwhelm hold you back.

Ready to powHER UP?


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