Are You Accidentally Sabotaging Your New Leadership Role? 👀

Click below to uncover the 7 sneaky behavioural traps that new female leaders fall into & master the practical steps to 


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Inside you will✨:

  • Uncover the 7 unconcious behaviours quietly killing your confidence and authority as a new female leader (you probably don't even realize you're doing them!)

  • Identify the behaviors you have from the list, so you can start addressing them head-on.

  • Discover easy-to-follow actions and exercises to dismantle each self-sabotaging behavior one-by-one so you can step into your confident boss b*tch era without them. 

Who it's for:

- Directors

- Senior Managers

- Heads of Departments

- New founders or CEO's


Hey, I'm Emily, 

I've spent years learning how to manage stress under pressure as a leader in fast-paced emerging tech.

During that time I burned out twice and it wasn't until I took absolute responsibility for the way I was behaving that things started to drastically change for me.

And here's the secret: There's always hidden behaviors but the way we deal with them, changes everything.

In fact, each week, I help senior leaders like you take responsibility for theirs, so they feel energized and productive, get their bonuses (& vacations) locked in & become an indispensable part of the company, without the stress & overwhelm.

When they come to me, they're often waking up anxious, feeling burned out and honestly, exhausted.

They feel like they're failing fast, leading to low confidence in themselves, imposter syndrome, chronic stress, and sometimes, job or business loss.

*in one case a client came to me because his stressed approach to work was pissing so many people off, and he was terrified he would get fired but had no idea how or what to change.

With my help, these clients succeed in their first year of their senior or c-suite roles, they drive sustainable results and create positive impact throughout the organization and beyond.

In this guide I'm sharing the unconscious behaviours that show up the most in my clients and the techniques that have helped dissolve them. 

By mastering these methods, you can begin to shift your career trajectory and overall mindset when it comes to work.

 I'm so excited for you to discover it! ✨ 

Find out if you're sabotaging your success without even realizing it ✨

© 2024 Emily Rose Dallara Coaching and Consulting LTD